In order for a make up to be recorded it must be e-mailed to Thank you!
Attendance is the price of membership
Attendance is the hub around which Rotary revolves. Attending meetings consistently results in participation with club activities...and participation means effective community and worldwide Rotary programs.
Form the habit of attending meetings of other Rotary Clubs.
Make up your absence from meetings 90 days before or after the usual time of that meeting at any Rotary Club.
Make up in person
There is nothing quite like the adrenaline rush you get from attending a Champaign West Rotary meeting. We also realize that sometimes conflicts arise.
We have several great Rotary clubs in our area -- visit other club meetings and events to make up your attendance, and send your make up information to
Hover over "Local Clubs" then click "Local Club Meetings"
If you are traveling out of town, contact a Rotary club in that area to confirm their time and location. Plan ahead -- take one of our club flags with you, and bring a new flag home.
Make up on line
There are fun and engaging online meetings that allow you to attend at your convenience. A popular e-club: up interactive site...
Remember to email afterward.
Attendance expectations